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Home > chinese-english > "at a speed of eighty miles an hour" in English

English translation for "at a speed of eighty miles an hour"


Related Translations:
eighties:  八十年代
eighty:  n.第八十;八十的符号。 the eighties 八十多岁;八十年代;八十到九十的数目。
eighty three:  八十三
eighty one:  八十一
eighty four:  八十四
eighty eight:  八十八
eighty two:  八十二
eighty nine:  八十九
around eighty:  八十来个
eighty seven:  八十七
Example Sentences:
1.The train is traveling at a speed of eighty miles an hour
Similar Words:
"at a simmer" English translation, "at a sitting" English translation, "at a specified distance from" English translation, "at a specified distance from (sth)" English translation, "at a speed of" English translation, "at a splitting pace" English translation, "at a stand" English translation, "at a standstill" English translation, "at a steady pace" English translation, "at a stick" English translation